ahh, rupe2nye aku hanye buat 2 post utk april
xpe, at least ni yg ke-3
eh2, argh!!!
dah pukul 12...
nilah akibat kerja at eleventh hour
[maybe (just maybe) i should do my work at tenth hour, haha]
adoiii, sorry for being not so reproductive in april
(the next section will be all football, so, for those who aren't interested,
i'm sorry to disappoint you, but, one man's meat is another man's poison)
btw, this week is a deciding week for epl
liverpool vs chelsea
and i'm hoping for chelsea to lose
i repeat again, i hope chelsea will lose
yeah, can you believe it??
yup, i do hope chelsea to lose
tp dgn syarat man u seri
knape plak?
kalau chelsea kalah dan man u seri
they will be level in terms of point
chelsea will edge them by seven goal diff (assuming chelsea kalah 1-0)
knowing they have the chance to be the winner (mathematically)
and in the same time, knowing too that it is impossible for them to do so
thrashing stoke 7-0 like chelsea did?
do you really think (such a) lightning will struck twice?
oh yeah btw, even IF they manage to beat stoke 7-0
chelsea may still increase the goal diff by beating wigan on the last day
(and mind you, it could be a thrashing, kui3)
erm, anyway, i don't want to talk much
just wait and see
and...that's all
happy labour's day
igt, kte seme ni pekerja
pekerja kpd Allah
sbg pekerja kpd Allah, xde cuti
kerjalah sentiasa dgn pnuh ikhlas dan mengharapkan redhanya
memetik dr majalah solusi, "bila segalanya kerana Allah, semuanya indah"
so, happy labour's day (without holiday) anyway!
"annur, 24: 52"