
Habis Dah Habuk / Habuk Dah Habis


mlm ni, 27.9, abislah keje jpk utk tahun ni

huhhhh, xde ape yg lbih gembira bila program sdiri abis

xkiralah apa pun outcomenya,

hari terbuka kolej (habuk) mungkin bukan program plg best

tp sbb ia adalah program sdiri,

somehow, it has its own special values.

detail2 habuk ni xpyh la aku crite,

tp hanya aku je tau betapa susahnya nk buat program ni

sampai kne hantar ktas kje 3 kali,

setiap kali tu plak bukan senang2,

nk cari idea, nk kne ubah surat permohonan,

amik sign penasihat, ubah plak ikut cdgn penasihat dll lagi

mungkin mende ni jd susah/ rumit sbb aku xpnah handle program,

tp xpelah, skurang2nye aku blaja

dan ape yg aku sedar dr handle program ni ialah

aku mungkin xbegitu sesuai utk jd org ptg dlm sesuatu organisasi/projek

sbb sikap aku yg kuat btangguh

bukannya aku xyakin diri, tp bak kate org,

kita kena tahu our own strength and weakness

dan mmg tu salah satu dr weakness aku.

insya-Allah, as time goes by, i'll try my best to improve myself

and our job is to pray for ourselves,

so that we can get rid of this negative habit...

ape2 pun, setinggi2 syukur kpd Allah kerana mengizinkan program ini utk blgsg

alhamdulillah byk2

aku jugak nk ucapkan terima kasih kpd:

azri - kwn sklas yg BYK GLER tlg,

dr sebesar2 mende spt beri cdgn,

hinggalah ke sekecil2 mende spt teman pegi pejabat HEP,

the one who reassured me that everything is ok

even when it is not that ok

mak - yg beri cdgn mcm2

dan suruh beri perhatian dr segala aspek

supaya xde mende yg tlepas pdg, terima kasih mak =)

bai - byk ajar aku dr a-z cmne nk buat program nih

ktas kje la, hep la, invoice la, politik la, dll.

hilmi - ni pun rakan sebilik sekelas yg byk bg idea

beli ktupat di saat2 akhir

dan btanggungjwb dlm buat video

morgan - meskipun xjd mc, at least still dtg meeting dll.

tlg angkat meja dll, thanks

kak lile - s/u yg byk buat laporan

kesian kak lile, mtak maaf kak lile xreti buat report =(

radzi - for dtg meeting, dan tlg yg lain2

afiq - buat meeting ngn ketua blok, kacau dodol yg keras

kak lia - tlg explorace meskipun di ceruk cemara

dan buat kuey teow yg sdap utk lunch!

yaya - nampak je lembut ngn ayu, tp boleh tlg buat kje2 laki (angkat meja, kerusi)

nanad - arranging the places for the jamuan

meskipun kne kutuk ngn abg katering,

dan teman kak lia kt ceruk dunia

kak zu - sgt2 concern ttg cmne nk wat dodol ngn ktupat,

dan jugak msk kuey teow!

kak siti - pening2 kpale 3, 4 kali cari poster utk habuk, sian kak siti

pisang - wat banner utk habuk

dahlan - jemput skpk walaupun xdtg.

keje siap awal, sgt bagus (dan sgt beza ngn aku)

wiwin - tlg dahlan n tlg mse xplorace

q-n - beli adiah (walaupun ade yg expired :P)

nages - tlg q-n

manjung - deal ngn fasiliti utk kerusi meja

botak - deal psl peralatan ngn jd mc,

ape plg best, peserta karaoke pertama, huhu!

kak nad - jaga explorace dll

alia - meskipun dtg lewat :P,

tp sbb slalu ceria, tpt sekeliling un jd happening

farith - ade mse meeting, dan tlg pkara2 lain

dina - tlg jaga kaunter tiket walaupun...hehe

dayah - kira2 duit dgn bijak sampaikan drpd

short of rm 600 boleh lbih plak rm 700, huhu

afiqah - dtg meskipun demam,

dan tlg jugak kacau dodol mse mula2

ms mel ngn ust ridha - cdgn yg bernas dan mengesahkan cdgn

org lain yg tlg kacau dodol,

org lain yg join explorace,

org yg dtg mkn saje pun, terima kasih jugak,

terima kasih semua, yg tlibat secara lgsg atau xlgsg,

terima kasih,



"lme xupdate, skali update kau, huh, berjela2"


Sampah Wangi

God did not create the universe, says Hawking

God did not create Universe: HawkingAFP/File – God no longer has any place in theories on the creation of the Universe due to a series of developments …

LONDON (Reuters) – God did not create the universe and the "Big Bang" was an inevitable consequence of the laws of physics, the eminent British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking argues in a new book.

In "The Grand Design," co-authored with U.S. physicist Leonard Mlodinow, Hawking says a new series of theories made a creator of the universe redundant, according to the Times newspaper which published extracts on Thursday.

"Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing. Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist," Hawking writes.

"It is not necessary to invoke God to light the blue touch paper and set the universe going."

Hawking, 68, who won global recognition with his 1988 book "A Brief History of Time," an account of the origins of the universe, is renowned for his work on black holes, cosmology and quantum gravity.

Since 1974, the scientist has worked on marrying the two cornerstones of modern physics -- Albert Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, which concerns gravity and large-scale phenomena, and quantum theory, which covers subatomic particles.

His latest comments suggest he has broken away from previous views he has expressed on religion. Previously, he wrote that the laws of physics meant it was simply not necessary to believe that God had intervened in the Big Bang.

He wrote in A Brief History ... "If we discover a complete theory, it would be the ultimate triumph of human reason -- for then we should know the mind of God."

In his latest book, he said the 1992 discovery of a planet orbiting another star other than the Sun helped deconstruct the view of the father of physics Isaac Newton that the universe could not have arisen out of chaos but was created by God.

"That makes the coincidences of our planetary conditions -- the single Sun, the lucky combination of Earth-Sun distance and solar mass, far less remarkable, and far less compelling evidence that the Earth was carefully designed just to please us human beings," he writes.

Hawking, who is only able to speak through a computer-generated voice synthesizer, has a neuro muscular dystrophy that has progressed over the years and left him almost completely paralyzed.

He began suffering the disease in his early 20s but went on to establish himself as one of the world's leading scientific authorities, and has also made guest appearances in "Star Trek" and the cartoons "Futurama" and "The Simpsons."

Last year he announced he was stepping down as Cambridge University's Lucasian Professor of Mathematics, a position once held by Newton and one he had held since 1979.

"The Grand Design" is due to go on sale next week.

ini adalah contoh kenapa Hawking xpatut jadi bijak...atau lebih tepat, dianggap bijak