
Orang Kata Dah Habis, HABISLAH!!! Hish, Menyampah Betul...



dgn berakhirnye pekse final semalam (19.5),

berakhirlah semester kedua...

"so, how's the second semester?"

if i were to describe it

i would say it in three words

livelier, more conflict and trying

livelier as i had known more people

had more programme with all those trips to perak, melaka and sarawak

and really wonder if that had some bad effect on me in some way

more conflict.....ah, ni xleh cter

trying as all the subjects learned getting harder

and with some bad topic test's result

(sampai mr sudad bbrp kali menyatakan ketidakpuasan hatinye terhadap aku, wuwu~)

no matter what happen,

we need to learn from our past

fix all the mistakes and be a better person, insya-Allah

i hope this topsy-turvy second sem had made me a better one

the academical progress, u ask?

that'll be told somewhere two months from now

i'm really hoping i can maintain last sem's result of 13

tp kalu tgk soklan pekse baru ni, huiihh,

mmg bapak susah r nk dpt 13

and yet, nichts ist unmoglich

so, what's the plan for the break?

i'm planning on:

1. finishing 'and then there were none' by agatha christie

- among the most-selled books that is more than 100 million copies sold

dh bace sket, SUMPAH BEST!

2. igt nk beli cd movie sket nk tgk, nk download takut virus

(sape2 ade reliable source utk download movie, suggest please~)

3. nk up stamina, nk masuk inpro, arghhhh, lme gler x men

4. yg len akan difikirkan, hehe

kpd bai, khususnye, dan kpd org len, umumnye,

yg berikut adelah seperti berikut:

1. 21/5 - 23/5: kem i-prokhas kt melaka

26/5 - 27/5: interfaith conference between muslim & christian of germany

31/5 - 11/6: praktikal kt gmi

23/6 - 26/6 : kursus pm

4/7 - 8/7 : long course student's registration

9/7 - 10/7 : workshop dgn rap star from germany. wow? ke wow! adehhh...

11/7 - sem 3 yg kwn bilik aku suggest agar intec batalkan, haha

so, bilekah aku cuti? haha

kalu ikutkan, cuti budak2 alg dr 11/6 - 11/7

dan, tahukah anda?

itu adelah WORLD CUP!!!

dgn kate lain,

cuti budak alg seolah2 utk bg dorg tgk world cup, haha

haihhh, habis dah 2nd sem

budak alm, aluk ngn adfp dh halfway

budak ausmat lgi xleh bla, dh 2/3rd

alg, xsampai sparuh agi pun journey, adehh, =_="

penyeksaan satu penantian bak kate aidil

*kpd sedara aidil: "ko jgn sekali2 xbalik summer ni!!!

kalu x aku gi mesir heret ko ke (sunway) pyramid!!! " (warna kuning tanda rumah ali)


sesungguhnye Allah bersama2 org yg sabar

selepas exam:

sbg manusia biasa, mak aku sedikit tersilap bile die kate aku xpandai kemas brg

aku boleh, cume aku jrg skali nk berbuat demikian

sebelum exam: yeah!!! bersepah cm hape

oh ye, belakang timbunan buku tu ade sparuh agi timbunan buku, huhu

tgh2 buku tu ade botol yg bbrp hari kemudian bertambah lagi, haha, kaw2nye sepah

(adoiii, patutnye sebelum baru selepas, silap letak, arghh)

hah, habis sem 2, nk rehat cm kucen nih.....

buatlah sesuatu dgn tekun

"innallaha yuhibbu iza 'amila ahadukum 'amalan an yutqinah(u)"

"sesungguhnya Allah menyukai apabila kamu berbuat sesuatu (kebaikan),

kamu melakukannya dgn bersungguh-sungguh"

(hadis riwayat Abu Ya'la)

sampai situ dulu...


"saifullah, kembalilah berblogging..."

"akhirnye, bleh men cafe world balik, haha"

"flammable? hurm..."

11 orang telah berkata....:

referee bias said...

bengkak tangan aku dok main skroll...

Annas Alias said...


gunalah minyak angin cap kapal layar...

Aisyah Shams said...

cafe world dan game2 len sudah aku stop + block dr wall.. for d sake of the final sem..huhuhu

movie minx je la dr org contohnye wana.. hard disk dier penuh dh

ak tau je tmpat nak download yg agak reliable.. tp kes xmo kne virus tuh ko kne install antivirus la.. klu x, sme je masuk pendrive asing pun leh kne gak

wana said...

yes2... nk moviessss seriesss meh la crik ak.. huhu.. tpi sbnrny ecah lgi expert r bab2 dunlod2 ni.. cme ak je yg aktif mgaplikasi ilmu yg ecah ajr kt ak.. kn cah???

atok putih.. said...

selamat bercuti le..

Aisyah Shams said...

adeh wana.. ak pn org yg ajar.. harap org2 yg tere.. arep ngan azim jaoh lg advanced laa

Annas Alias said...

aisyah nazirah

uih? xmen lgsg dah ke? aku just stop bukak je r mse exam. abih men blek, lalala~

oh, kalu ade btau r. xyah advance2, bese2 pun xpe. tp mslh download kt tenet ni nnt taip cter len, kuar cter2 yg bukan2, duh~


aku nk:

1. dark knight
2. semua francais spiderman
3. semua francais x-men
4. semua francais pirates of caribbean

ade? haha, cm kedai lak mintak2...

atuk putih

insya-Allah selamat. thanks. siapakah anda?

wana said...

first of all, ak xtgok spderman.. tgok, tpi xminat.. so ak xde.. x men, ak ad xmen origin je.. yg len lam proses.. pirates, ak bli dvd dy.. so xde lam hard disk ak.. dvd dy ak ad pnuh lah.. kuikui..

ko dunlod sndri pon ok gak..
1. ares (ko tau kn ni?)
2. vuze (sng gak r.. especially klu nk series.. ley amik satu season trus)
3. warezbb (seme bley, bse ak donlod games n movies.. p/s: yg ni ecah ajr ak gne..kikih)

hrap mmbntu.. ecah ad sbrg pnmbahan??

Aisyah Shams said...

xde penambahan/penolakan.. haha

btw, dark knight sgt smart.. especially joker.. that character deserves admiration (at least mine-erk, admiration ak ternilai ke??).. hoho~

wana said...

ak tau dark night lam supernatural je... episod 8 season 5.. hihi..

Annas Alias said...


ares tu aku tau, vuze tu xtau, warez tu pnah dgr tp xpnah gune. die bukan ape tau, aku malas nk download ni nnt gambar xelok r, xde subtitle la, bahasa perancis la (kalu jerman xpe r, haha). aku try download x-men gune limewire, skali ko kuar versi xsiap agi, gambar kartun habis!! tensen je tgk. tu yg aku igt senang beli cd, setel seme mslh.

aisyah nazirah

why so serious eh? huhu, dark giler kot character tu...and of course, smart!