


(background song: five for fighting - superman(it's not easy))

makin lama, makin jarang update blog

erm...ok, 1st, result sem 2 kot

result alhamdulillah~

dpt 12

meskipun turun, tp lepas cut-off point

fizik = 4B, kimia = 3C, mech & math = 5

tp kecewa gak la sbb turun

hurm...xtau knape rse lemah/xbmaya/sedih?

maybe sbb arini penat

mane taknye sampai 3 kali mesyuarat

tp in some way, this feeling is quite nice in its own way

i become quieter and have a lot of time to think about myself

rse cm duk dlm dunia sdiri

hurm...byk mende nk kne pk akhir2 ni

study lg, kje lg

moga2 ade kekuatan dan komitmen utk semua tu

hidup ni xsemudah yg disangka

sbb tu background song lagu superman

superman pun mengeluh ade mslh, huhu

dan aku bukannye superman


aku pnah bce ktne ntah kalau xsilap

manusia bile die berfikir, otak die akan kuarkan frequency ke ape ntah

lbih kurg mcm tu la

dan kalau xsilap gak,

bila kte fikirkan seseorg, seseorg tu akan fikirkan kte gak

kan kdg2 terjd kan

kte tgh ckp2 psl sesorg, pastu tbe2 org tu lalu

pastu kte pun akan ckp,

"hah, pjg umur, pendek akal, baru cter psl ko"

td pun cmtu gak, hurm...


mula2 aku igt nk masuk futsal utk inpro

tp ntah cmne, aritu aku berfikiran negatif

aku igt budak a-level ramai dekat 300++

die nk amik bape org jer

so, peluang aku nk tpilih tipis r, 1/300++

tp, sbnanye, kalau aku pegi,

peluang utk aku tpilih adelah 6/7

what?? that high??

of kos, kalau aku pegi pmilihan

akan ade 14 org dtg dan die pilih 12 out of 14

ohhhh, bodohnyeeee, asal skit sgt org dtg?

bukan bola tu pmainan plg diminati dlm dunia ke? duhhh~

kecewa btul, tp nk buat cmne

tp xkisah r, sbb skang petang2 aku nk start men futsal

baru2 ni main dan jd keeper

i've always thought i wasn't born to be a goalkeeper

before this, my goalkeeping skill is rubbish

absolut rubbish

but then baru2 ni, i managed to pull out a string of save mse men

now i feel more confident to play as a goalkeeper

wahaha, best gler dpt save bola dan tgk muka org kecewa xleh skor


oklah, sampai sini je kot

nnt ble2 update lg insya-Allah~

"dan jgnlah kamu merasa hina, dan jgnlah kamu merasa sedih.

kamulah org yg mulia sekiranya kamu beriman" 3:139


"ausmat has a 'berbatov'. this 'batov' has a really great ability that is he CAN'T score goals. yes, come to think of it, who couldn't score a goal when there is no one between the sticks?? yes, there is only one person....that ausmat's 'batov'"

8 orang telah berkata....:

cann said...

haha..annas macam byk mnde nk ckp tp xtw nk ckp ape..erk..haha

Annas Alias said...


huhu, agak r che, maybe sbb lme dh xupdate, so, ble nk update, byk sgt mende berlaku dan xtau nk cter mane satu..che mmg power r buleh bce mende dlm kpale org, huhu

Aisyah Shams said...

x paham la paragraph last
do u mind to explain?

Annas Alias said...


begini, berbatov merujuk kpd seorg penyerang man united yg flop/gagal/xmenjadi dan seumpamanya. jd, mse aku men futsal, ade sorg budak ausmat yg ade berpuluh2 peluang utk menjaringkan gol tp xde satu pun yg masuk (kne tiang/shot straight ke keeper/tersasar dll.) dan yg lebih teruk ialah bile skali tu, bile dh abes men, die praktis shooting dgn XDE ORG JAGA GOL dan betapa 'berbatov'nye die, bola tu kne palang. huh!

wana said...

hebat r!!! annas men bola... huhu.. go go annas!!!! ak sokong ko dri tepi.. hehe

Aisyah Shams said...

oo.. ok~ ape kate ko bg link post ni kat die?? hahahahhaaa

Annas Alias said...


errr, perli ke ape ni?


hahaha, terima kasih atas cdgn. cdgn xkan dipertimbangkan, haha

cann said...

haruslah sbb ak pun camtu...haha